The value of the project and co-financing is: 19 612 292,71 PLN.

Spotkanie Rady Eksperckiej ds. Przedsiębiorczości

We want to share information with you after the last meeting of the Expert Council on Entrepreneurship, which took place on 25.01.2024. at the seat of the Municipality and Town of Nisko. The meeting was a significant event, characterized by a rich program and effective exchange of information.
Discussion of apprenticeships: During the meeting, we focused on analysing the results of apprenticeships of students with local entrepreneurs. Presentations of results, exchange of experiences and analysis of benefits and areas for improvement provided valuable conclusions for further actions.

Summary of Student Study Visits: Representatives of the Regional Chamber of Commerce presented an inspiring summary of student study visits of our community students to various enterprises. We are happy to announce that the number of participants in the recently completed study visits of students from our community amounted to as many as 517! This is a huge number of young minds who have had the opportunity to get acquainted with the realities of local businesses. The students had the opportunity to gain practical experience and understanding of the functioning of local companies.
Entrepreneurship Teacher Training: Another important point of the meeting was the summary of teacher training in the field of entrepreneurship. Educating teachers in this field is crucial to imparting entrepreneurial knowledge and skills to the younger generations. Through these trainings, we want to develop teachers' competences, which in turn will affect the quality of entrepreneurial education in schools.
Acknowledgment to the Mayor: It was not without significance to thank the Mayor for the initiative to create the Expert Council for Entrepreneurship. The meeting with the Mayor was not only an opportunity for direct dialogue and discussion of key issues, but also confirmed our belief that working together and cooperating is crucial for the development of our community. We are full of enthusiasm and ready to continue our cooperation with the mayor in order to effectively solve the problems of entrepreneurs and together shape a positive future for our region.
New Communication Channel: A member of our Council initiated a discussion on the need to create a dedicated communication channel for entrepreneurs from our municipality. This idea stems from the desire to improve the exchange of information, cooperation and increase access to important resources, which can become a real game changer in local business!
We invite you to follow the development: Up-to-date information on further activities and initiatives will be available on our website and at future Council meetings. Together We Shape the Future of Entrepreneurship in Our Region!


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